Community Question Corner


QUESTION: I have a concern about traffic safety in my neighborhood. How do I get the city to install signs or other traffic control measures?

Answer: All Syracuse City streets follow standards endorsed by the Federal Highway Administration in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Syracuse public works engineers determine effective use of traffic control devices based upon national standards. For instance, the manual establishes standards for road signalization, stop-controlled intersections, and warning sign location.

Additionally, the Public Works Department considers the practical effect of traffic control measures, including cost and maintenance. They also evaluate traffic conditions at various times, such as when new roads or connections are made, road reconstruction, and when additional uses such as schools are introduced to neighborhoods.

Sometimes, residents feel that traffic conditions have changed and require new safety devices. A resident may request a traffic evaluation by contacting the public works department and completing a Traffic Evaluation Request Form found on the city construction and engineering webpage. Due to extensive work involved, such as traffic counting, reviewing standards, researching site conditions, and applying standards to the situation, there is a fee for analysis request. The fee is refunded if the analysis shows that the change is necessary.

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