Syracuse Police Department welcomes Andrew Carlson

Syracuse Police Department welcomes Andrew “Drew” Carlson to the family. Andrew is from West Point, Utah, and law enforcement is in his blood; his father has served as a Trooper in the Utah Highway Patrol for over 20 years. After completing an LDS mission to Los Angeles, California, Drew decided it was time to find out if law enforcement was really the career for him. He arranged to go on ride-alongs with his father. Drew loved this experience and decided he wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps.

Drew knew he wanted to work for a department near his hometown. He started researching local departments and was impressed with Syracuse Police Department’s level of community involvement. He grew up next door to Lt. David Skinner and played little league football on teams coached by Assistant Chief Heath Rogers. These relationships played a large role in his desire to serve with Syracuse Police Department. When the department had an opening in late 2019, Drew decided it was time to make his goal a reality…and now you know the rest of the story.

Drew was hired in January 2020 and immediately started the Police Academy. He was really enjoying his academy education; he was gaining knowledge, looking forward to graduation, and making friendships that will last a lifetime. Then, COVID-19 (ever heard of it?) hit, and, like it has done for everyone, his routine changed.

During a brief hiatus from the Academy, Drew spent a few weeks riding with his Department Field Training Officer. He started making friendships within the department, learning the ropes, and even handled a few calls. Currently, Drew is just like every other student in the state; he is going to school (police academy) online. Syracuse Police Department is fortunate to have several academy instructors who are able to augment his training and help him along the way.

We look forward to having Drew with the department full-time in the near future. We know he will fit in well and that he will be a shining example of our guiding principles of Pride, Accountability, Cooperation, and Excellence.

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