A Holiday Message from Mayor Maughan

The Ripple Effects of Giving

“It is remarkable how our own troubles seem to take a break and sometimes even resolve when shifting the focus to helping others.”

Did you know there is a science to giving? At the heart of a flourishing community is a culture of compassion and generosity. There is a ripple effect that extends the generosity of a giver beyond the immediate recipient. One could say that the simple acts of kindness, compassion, and empathy shape the collective spirit of a community.

Syracuse has long had a reputation as a caring community. Daily acts of citizens paying it forward are common. No one expects to be recognized for acts like paying for the next person in line, but it seems to happen often. Such gifting is much more than the value of a dollar. The natural firing of dopamine in the brain of both the giver and receiver in these acts is measurable. We are literally spreading joy by giving.

We are a community of volunteering. There are endless opportunities to give one’s time in our community whether that be civic, educational, or religious based. Service is unifying. It is remarkable how our own troubles seem to take a break and sometimes even resolve when shifting the focus to helping others. Addressing collective needs is empowering as the sum of collective efforts becomes a driving force.

Communities who come together are in fact equipping themselves for more challenging times. We are practicing skills that could be harnessed should we ever face a natural disaster, economic hardship, or challenges of safety. The practice of pooling resources builds trust, teamwork, and friendships that make us stronger should we face challenges ahead. Giving of time and talents is in fact building a foundation to overcome adversity.

Who will we be? Regardless of success or failure to date, our future begins now. We can build on what we have gained and overcome the mistakes of our past. We shape our future with how we move forward. Cities are not built on roads and structures alone. Thriving communities are built on compassion, resilience, and culture.

Giving inspires gratitude. The message leading the city is to be generous as you serve. Community is a measure of reciprocal impacts. Encourage the positive and attract like attentions. Whether it is lending a hand to a neighbor, participating in community projects, or supporting local initiatives; acts of giving build the foundation of trust that enhances our community.

Choose the ripples you start. Small actions can create big impacts. There is science behind the power of giving. We all can shape a stronger Syracuse.

Mayor Dave Maughan

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